◆ Upload jar files/java application to web from Nokia Series 40 phones using ucweb browser + Uc browser induced cloud storage and online book mark services most help ful for upload jar file
◆ After intall uc web Download jar file to nokia series 40 phones using ucweb browser
◆Before downloading jar file using ucweb browser, choose option save instead of open.
◆ FileName: Opera7_1Mod by hasfier[.jar] saved like this Opera7_1Mod by hasfier_jar ◆ That mean .jar instead _jar ◆ Step2:Uploading file to web(ucdisk) from nokia S40 phones using ucweb browser
◆ Then open it and in application gallery, click on Ucdisk.
◆Get a new accound and upload _jar file to Ucdisk. After the file is uploaded, Rename it _Jar into .jar .
◆Now open the website for sharing this file as jar file